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Healthy Life Tips 86

Providing solutions for people facing health problems or need health information and medication information for easy, fast, convenient, accurate and inexpensive way to get service in the form of necessary medical information, providing high quality health products. Achievement of these goals is done by providing and developing healthylifetips86.blogspot.com that will shape the community of people who have the interest and importance to health.

Minggu, 25 September 2011

Heartburn or Acid Reflux Disease or Gastro-esophageal Reflux

Problems in the digestive system should not be overlooked. There are a variety of digestive system disorders or diseases that may occur and are often overlooked by many people. The most common digestive problem is acid reflux disease or gastro-esophageal reflux, mostly known as heartburn. Acid reflux disease can affect different age from infants, adolescents, and adults. This disorder should be given special attention because it may cause more serious problems that can affect the respiratory system.

Acid reflux can be determined through the symptoms associated with it. Symptoms such as burning sensation in the chest or throat, sighing voice, hoarseness or other symptoms that are similar should not be ignored, because the symptoms of acid reflux also are similar to a heart attack.

An individual with these symptoms should immediately consult a physician to determine whether they have acid reflux disease or symptoms of a heart attack. Once doctors diagnose a person with acid reflux disease, they should wear appropriate medications to manage the condition and prevent further problems.

Fortunately, advances in medical treatment have been introduced lately, making it possible for anyone with acid reflux disease to undergo medical surgery, thus, provide a permanent treatment for acid reflux disease in a quick surgical procedure. On the other hand, operation of acid reflux disease can be very expensive, so the natural solution to eliminate this problem is the choice for those who can not undergo surgery.

As most people know, acid reflux disease or heartburn can occur at any time but may occur after eating a heavy meal with high acid levels. Thus, everyone should avoid foods that are highly acidic to prevent this condition occurs. Even fried and fatty foods should also be avoided. These foods can cause more severe symptoms that can affect the respiratory system. Even chocolate is considered a taboo for a person with acid reflux disease because chocolate is also very acidic.

If you have been diagnosed with acid reflux, try changing your diet by choosing the right foods and healthy. Avoid foods with tomatoes and citrus fruits because tomatoes and citrus fruits are also very acidic. Foods with spices such as garlic, onion, red or black pepper, and chili powder can cause more severe conditions. And ginger is a natural remedy that can be used to relieve heartburn.

Here are some foods that should be avoided by anyone with acid reflux. Fatty foods like hamburgers and hotdogs is one of the risk of triggering painful condition. Certain vegetables such as cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli can also cause acid reflux. Most importantly, avoid caffeine present in tea, coffee, and soda. Caffeine causes the secretion of gastric acid that can cause acid reflux problem.

There are other ways to help relieve acid reflux disease that does not involve eating, this is done by limiting your food intake. Usually, heavy meals in one time can cause acid reflux than eating small portions at each meal. Eating heavy meals can cause stomach problems because it can not digest food properly for stomach consumption, thereby causing acid reflux.

Acid reflux disease is a condition that requires attention. This can lead to worse conditions if unattended. One must take precautions to avoid the possibility of rising acidic gastric acid, however, also avoid foods that cause acid reflux occurred to him. Learn to diagnose problems caused by acid reflux and take preventive measures to avoid the possibility of this disorder by avoiding possible foods that can cause acid reflux.

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Be Slim With Honey

Honey is believed to be the first aid for healing or as a stamina enhancer supplements since the first. But now not only that which became the properties of honey. Honey helps weight loss programs? How?

The ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks, and Romans believed that honey has a remarkable efficacy as a medicine and also supplements the body. Now grow again one benefits of honey. Based on the research process was honey can help decrease body weight in diet programs. Hmm .. how is it possible?

In 2008 a study by the Journal of Food Science reported the results of their research. Research carried out on a number of mice that had been fed honey was able to reduce weight up to 23% compared with a low sugar foods for a year (one year old mice with the human age of 20 years).

"Honey is honey that is used with a fairly high antioxidant content, this is menyebabkana greater fat burning," said Lynne Chepulis, Ph.D. , Chairman of research and also the author of the book 'Healing Honey' (Brown Walker Press, 2008).

According to him again, all foods that contain high enough antioxidants like green tea can boost metabolism that affect the burning of fat also increased. But keep in mind, not all honey is rich in antioxidants. Other studies have shown that this type of honey that are often encountered as clover honey from the tree does not have a fairly high antioxidant content, it was never published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

The researchers connect with honey weight loss is pretty good, but only the beginning. Adding a sweetener in the diet without reducing mekanan coupled others apparently lead to weight gain.

Researchers at Penn State University tested the honey to dextromethorphan, the active ingredient in most cough medicines as a cough suppressant in children and found honey to be more effective. Sweet taste of honey is probably what makes 'active ingredient'. If you want to relieve your child's cough cough ataupn try drinking your own honey.

But do not occasionally give honey to infants under one year. Because honey can contain spores of the bacterium that causes botulism, because the baby's body usually do not have good immunity as adults.

"In theory, the honey bees collect pollen from plants. By eating just a little honey every day mempu stimulate your immune system and can also reduce allergies, "explains Miguel P. Wolbert, an allergist and immunologist at Allergy & Asthma Care Center in Evansville, Indiana. "But that does not mean your honey can cure allergies, just a little less allergic." He again added.

Well, if you already know how rich the benefits of honey for honey body will you consume each day?

Anorexia and Bulimia

Since adolescence, we have been bombarded with the concept of slim and white, either from the environment and the mass media. Over time, this concept can lead to body image disturbance, something that often occurs in women, especially teenage girls. Confidence falls, depression emerged, and the desire to lose excess weight became the target of anorexia and bulimia obsesi.Disinilah start playing.

Worse, some sites a step further by teaching the latest techniques to lose weight in the extreme that is feared to drag more and more young girls to the brink of an eating disorder.

A study published in December 2006 by researchers at the medical school and Children's Hospital at Stanford University, Silicon Valley, the United States found that, ironically, tips for the svelte flash is found also on several internet sites dedicated to actual combat the problem of eating disorders.

Parents and doctors need to realize that the Internet is a forum that can not be monitored. Very difficult to control the content of an interactive site with strictly. What does it say? Visitors to the site to form a community based on common eating disorders that are owned, such as eating blindly and then purge by intentionally (binging and purning), or refusing to eat altogether. Even more misleading, these behaviors are referred to as a lifestyle choice.

Dicacat worthy parents, in the journal Archives of Pediatrice & Adolescent Medicine, May 2004 contained the main characteristics that differentiate between adolescents with anorexia and bulimia. Those who develop anorexia tend to have lower weight and younger age. The girls suffering from anorexia is also more to come from intact families, in contrast to patients with bulimia.

Not Just Accidentally Vomiting

Anorexia is weight loss in extreme ways, while bulimia is excessive eating followed by deliberate act of removing food usually through vomiting or abuse laxatives and diet pills. Although identical to regurgitate food intentionally, it turns out both the symptoms of eating disorders is not merely limited to vomiting. Sadly, women with eating disorders with symptoms other than vomiting tend to be less aware that he was having problems. In the Australian study of 158 people with bulimia are known, nearly half of those especially who do not use the method of throwing up - not realizing acquired problems.

Therefore, according to research published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders in December 2006 issue of this, women who use methods likely to throw up six times to realize that they have a problem eating disorders. What other symptoms of Bulimia? It could be tangible strict diet or exercise excessively, in an attempt to redeem the indiscriminate eating episodes.

A similar study revealed that indeed should be wary of excessive exercise as a sign of an eating disorder. Dr.Cynthia M. Bulik of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and colleagues suggest, the tendency of sports in women with anorexia who used laxatives to lose weight.

According to research published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders in September 2006, woman with a habit is very underweight at risk of a dangerous, following another fatal results. Excessive exercise was defined as exercise more than 3 hours a day, including extreme obsession with the daily physical activity that interferes with other aspects of life - for example, still forced to exercise despite being injured or sick.

Beware of Heredity Factor

What exactly causes the eating disorder? Although cultural influences are strong enough, it turns out is not less important factor gene. In one study, Dr.. Walter H. Kaye of the University of Pittsburgh, the United States and his team analyzed data of more than 400 families with one member suffering from an eating disorder. Apparently, hereditary factors may influence a person's susceptibility to anorexia or bulimia. A woman who has a mother or sister with a history of eating disorders have a higher risk to suffer from similar problems.

Health Benefits of Guava

Guava, a familiar miracle fruit in our lives, have multimanfaat for health. The fruit is very rich in vitamin C and some types of minerals that can counteract many degenerative diseases, as well as keep in shape. The leaves and bark contain antibacterial substances, which can cure some diseases.

Guava taxonomically belong to the family Myrtaceae, genus Psidium, guajava species. Therefore, in Latin called Psidium guajava. In the English language known as guava Guava, while in Indonesia, also called rock rose, guava or guava siki.

Guava plants including shrubs (height can reach 10 meters) that quickly adapt to the environment and has a good regeneration. Guava can be grown in all sorts of climates and land at an altitude of between 5-1200 meters above sea level.

Historically, guava from Central America, specifically Brazil. From there it spread to Thailand and then to other Asian countries, including Indonesia. In many countries, guava is an important crop for the native inhabitants. Currently guava planted around the world, especially in tropical countries.

In Indonesia, the main production centers of guava is DKI Jakarta (South Jakarta), West Java (Cirebon and Karawang), Central Java (Pekalongan, Grobogan, Kudus, Jepara, Gombong, Purbalingga, Purworejo, Sukoharjo, Semarang, Wonogiri, and Cilacap) Special Region of Yogyakarta (Sleman, Gunung Kidul, Kulon Progo), East Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Sumatra, and Borneo.

Versatile Plants

Guava tree is highly branched shrubs. Part of this plant are frequently used for various human purposes are the bark, leaves, and fruit.

Utilization of bark and leaves in the field of health has a long history and still continues to this day. Guava leaves are frequently used for treatment of diarrhea, gastroenteritis, and other complaints related to digestion.

Guava leaves are rich in flavonoids, especially quercetin. Compound that has antibacterial activity and that contribute to the antidiarrheal effect. Polyphenols found in the leaves are known to have antioxidant activity.

As with guava leaves, bark of this plant also has antibacterial activity. Extracts from both parts of this plant are toxic in vitro against some bacteria causing diarrhea, such as Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Shigella, Bacillus, Escherichia coli, Clostridium, and Pseudomonas.

The most important part of the guava plant is its fruit. Guava fruit can be consumed in the form of fresh or processed into various products such as jams, jellies, pastes, lunkhead, and juice.

Type of the guava

Guava fruit shape varies from round to oval pear, fragrant and flavorful. Fruit taste sweet, sour sweet, or sour. Flavor and aroma that is very typical guava caused by the compound eugenol. Thin rind is green to yellowish green. Seeds vary from very little up to about 500 seeds in the fruit that weighs about 150 grams. Harvest the fruit can be done throughout the year (not knowing the season).

Guava fruit size varies, from a diameter of 2.5 cm up to more than 10 cm. Guava is favored by the public generally is a soft fleshy and thick, sweet, a little seedy, and large-sized fruit.

This type of guava across the world there are about 150. In Indonesia which is widely planted breadfruit is a type of guava, white guava milk, cashew apples, cashew Australia, cashew Palembang, pink frangipani, guava-week market, cashew brittle red, pink cotton candy, guava juice, guava and a curse.

Vitamin C's best

Guava fruit is said to be very special because it has a high nutritional content, such as vitamin C, potassium, and iron. In addition, also rich nongizi substances, such as dietary fiber, the component carotenoids, and polyphenols. Guava fruit is free of saturated fatty acids and sodium, low fat and energy, but high in fiber foods.

Vitamin C content of guava fruit is about 87 mg, twice that of sweet orange (49 mg/100 g), five times that of orange, and eight times that of lemon (10.5 mg/100 g). Compared to water guava and cashew bol, levels of vitamin C in guava is much larger, namely 17-fold from the rose apple (5 mg/100 g) and four times that of guava bol (22 mg/100 g).

Besides functioning as antioxidants, vitamin C has a function to maintain and promote health of capillaries; prevent nutritional anemia, mouth sores, swollen gums and bleeding disease (scurvy), as well as preventing tooth loss. High doses of Vitamin C can boost the immune system to fight various infections. Thus, we can not easily get sick, like flu, cough, fever, and others.

Vitamin C helps the absorption of iron and can inhibit the production of nitrosamines, a cancer-triggering substances. Vitamin C also plays a role for the formation of collagen which is very useful for healing wounds. Availability of sufficient vitamin C in the blood can promote the benefits of selenium in inhibiting cancer cells, especially lung cancer, prostate, breast, colon, bile, and brain.

In essence, guava can be used as a primary source for vitamin C your body needs. Consumption of guava weighing 90 grams per day has been able to meet the needs of adults daily vitamin, so as to maintain the health and fitness.

The content of vitamin C in guava peaked near mature. Most of the vitamin C guava concentrated on the skin and outer flesh is soft and thick. Therefore, guava should be consumed with the skin.

Source of potassium and fiber

Guava also contains potassium, about 14 mg/100 g fruit. Potassium works to increase the regularity of heart rate, activating muscle contractions, regulating delivery of other nutrients to the cells of the body, control fluid balance in the body tissue, as well as lowering high blood pressure (hypertension).

The workings of potassium in the body is the opposite with sodium (trigger hypertension). Therefore, in the daily menu is highly recommended to consume sodium and potassium in a 1:1 ratio. Food processing by using the sodium salt tends to increase far exceeds the potassium.

Guava is also a source of fiber (dietary fiber). Dietary fiber is beneficial for preventing various degenerative diseases, such as colon cancer (colon cancer), diverticulosis, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and kidney stone disease.

Consumption of food fiber Indonesian society is still very low, about 10 grams / person / day. In fact, the recommended dietary fiber intake is 20-30 grams / person / day.

Guava contains about 5.6 grams of dietary fiber per 100 grams of fruit flesh. This type of fiber which is pretty much contained in guava is pectin, which is a type of fiber that is soluble in water. Fiber that is soluble in water has a major role in lowering cholesterol levels, which binds cholesterol and bile acids in the body, and helps its spending through a process of defecation.

Thus, the fiber is soluble in water are useful to prevent atherosclerosis (clogged arteries cause coronary heart disease and stroke). It kind of fiber also plays a role in lowering blood glucose levels, so that was instrumental in preventing diabetes mellitus.

Eat an Apple Every Day Can Prevent Stroke

Never underestimate an apple. Besides the sweet taste, Apples also contain many vitamins, minerals and other elements like phytochemicals, fiber, tannins, baron, tartar acid, and others which is indispensable for the body to prevent and combat various diseases.

Believe it or not, eat an apple or pear a day it can cut your risk of stroke by 50 percent. Nutrition experts believe, contain compounds quercetin in both examples the fruit plays an important role in the fight against stroke.

Researchers said the biochemistry is able to reduce inflammation, which is associated with hardening of blood vessels in cardiovascular disease.

Researchers at the University of Wageningen, the Netherlands, involving about 20,000 adults. They found that volunteers who ate more fruits and vegetables have a white fleshy lower risk of suffering a stroke more than 10 years. They take into account, the risk of stroke decreased nine percent each consume 25 grams of apples or pears per day.

Given that the average size of an apple or pear weigh between 100 grams and 125 grams, that means, in a day will reduce the risk of stroke between 36-45 percent.

"Eating large amounts of fruits and vegetables are white may be useful in preventing strokes. For example, eating an apple a day is an easy way to increase your intake of white fruits and vegetables," said Linda Oude Griep, the study's lead author, who published his research in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.

"However, the group of fruits and other colored vegetables might be protecting you against other chronic diseases. Therefore, it is still important to consume plenty of fruits and vegetables," he added

Researchers reveal the existence of the compound quercetin (stroke-fighting) not only found in apples and pears, but also on raspberries, tomatoes, red grapes, broccoli, and onions.

Meanwhile, Dr. Sharlin Ahmed from The Stroke Association said the main message of the findings to show that fruit and vegetables are good foods to reduce the risk of stroke, regardless of color.

"It's interesting to see these findings that the white fleshy fruit and vegetables, like apples and pears, can reduce the risk of stroke. However, this should not deter people to continue eating fruits and vegetables with other colors. For all types of fruits and vegetables has health benefits and remains a vital part of a balanced diet, "he said.

"Everyone can reduce the risk of stroke with a healthy balanced diet low in saturated fat and salt, exercise regularly and make sure that your blood pressure within normal limits," he said.

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